Note on Publication in 2022 of Filing of Declarations and Statements of Registrable Interests
The Integrity Commission has received a series of queries from a member of the public pertaining to the recent publication of names of persons failing to file their declarations and statements of registrable interests as required by the Integrity in Public Life Act, Chap.22:01. It is the policy of the Commission to make available its responses when so deemed necessary to the general public and not specific individuals. The total number of persons in public life subject to publication is 595. A total of 86 persons were published for 2014 – 2020, including duplication for multiple years. The total number of names published for 2021 is 509. For the period of 2014 to 2021, the names of eleven members of the Cabinet were published as failing to file their declarations and statements of registrable interests. Regarding parliamentarians, the names of 33 Members of Parliament were published as failing to file their declarations and statements of registrable interests. The total number of persons in public life for 2021 is 1,190. The figure for voluntary filing declarations and statements of registrable interests prior to the publication of names stood at 55%, which is above average for pre-publication compliance.
Prior to publication, upon an individual becoming a person in public life, the Integrity Commission sends an obligation letter, setting out the declarant’s requirement to file declarations and statements of registrable interests. There are circumstances where a declarant may request an extension of time to file his declarations with the Integrity Commission. This is permitted for under Section 11(2). Each request for extension is assessed and granted by the Commission on a case-by-case basis. For the year 2021, all requests for extensions received were granted. Extensions cannot be given for more than 12 months from the due date of filing. The publication can occur at any time after 31 May for the prior year (e.g. For outstanding declarations in the year 2021, publication of these names can be made any time after 31 May 2022). Publication must be done in a daily newspaper of the Integrity Commission’s choosing as well as in the Gazette. One final Notice is placed in the daily newspaper informing the public of the Integrity Commission’s intention to take ex-parte action, following which the Integrity Commission would then proceed to file its actions before the High Court. After publication, the Commission has noted an increase in compliance with regard to the filing of declarations and statements of registrable interests.