Within three (3) months of becoming a person in public life, one is required to complete and file a Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities and a Statement of Registrable Interests in respect of the previous year and thereafter, on May 31st in each succeeding year that one remains in public life.

The Integrity Commission accepts information transmitted electronically in accordance with Part VII of the Electronic Transactions Act 2011.

This Act gives legal effect to all electronic documents, electronic records, electronic signatures and electronic transactions.

Please note that the Commission will accept the electronic filing of the Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities (Form A) and the Statement of Registrable Interests (Form B).

For guidance on how to complete these forms you can access our tutorial video through this link:


          1.)   Fill out, sign, scan and email the completed Digital Authorization Form to:

            Mr. Christopher Ramsey (cramsey@integritycommission.org.tt) and Carbon Copy (CC) the Registrar (registrar@integritycommission.org.tt).

            You can download the Digital Authorization Form here (or see above).

                2.)   The Commission will acknowledge receipt of the Digital Authorization Form form, thus approving the Declarants’ desire to file digitally / electronically.

                3.)   Download the two (2) standard Declarations of Income, Assets and Liabilities and Statements Of Registrable Interests Forms (Form A and Form B) from the Commission’s website.

                4.)   Fill out,  print, sign and scan the Forms as per the instructions here. (The Declarant will also scan / digitize all of their attached / supporting documents to go along with their intended submission).

                  • The Declarant must not alter the print dimensions of the Form A and/or B.
                  • All Declaration documents must be encrypted into an encrypted file, using a strong password (e.g. X5j13$#eCM1cG@Kdc is a strong encryption password); 7-Zip is a free encryption tool. Click HERE for instructions on How to Encrypt Your Declaration Documents using 7-Zip.
                  • Encryption Passwords must meet the six (6) criterion below:
                    • Be at least 12 characters long,
                    • Contain uppercase letter(s): (A-Z),
                    • Contain lowercase letter(s): (a-z),
                    • Contain Digit(s): (0-9),
                    • Contain special character(s): (!  ”  #  $  %  &  ‘  (  )  *  +  ,  –  .  /  :  ;  <  =  >  ?  @  [  \  ]  ^  _  `  {  |  }  ~ ),
                    • Consist of a random sequence of characters; (e.g. X5j13$#eCM1cG@Kdc).

                Please do not send your password in the email with your attached Forms. 

                Passwords are only to be provided via WhatsApp.

                The process of sending your password via WhatsApp is akin to 2-Step Verification, also called two-factor authentication – a technique also used by Google, Instagram, etc. to keep your information safe.

                5.)   The password used to encrypt the file must be sent via WhatsApp to 1-(868)-728-1147. Please send a photo of the password as well as a texted version of the password. Include in the WhatsApp message: the Declarant’s Name and Board to which they are on, e.g.;

                                  • X5j13$#eCM1cG@Kdc [the password]
                                  • Ms. Tammy Jones
                                  • XYZ’s Board of Directors

                6.)   Email the encrypted file containing the documents to:

                Mr. Christopher Ramsey (cramsey@integritycommission.org.tt) and Carbon Copy (CC) the Registrar (registrar@integritycommission.org.tt).

                7.)   Subsequent to receiving both the encrypted file and password, the Commission will acknowledge receipt.

                8.)   A non-encrypted / non-password protected declaration submission will not be accepted. An encrypted / password protected declaration submission that does not meet the six (6) criterion above, will not be accepted.

                If further guidance is required regarding the above process / steps, please contact us via any of the methods on our Contact Us Page (https://integritycommission.org.tt/contact)
